Next Event July 27th!

04 Jul 2024

Our next event will be coming very soon on Saturday 27 July 2024, 12:00 UTC and the host this time is Elouin.

Like last time there will be a “Community Pick”! YOU can choose a game that will be played on the next event, just visit our survey and choose the games you like, the top voted game will get the “Community Pick”-slot.

There will be two “new” games this time. First AssaultCube and second Warzone2100, which just had a big release and will be 20 Years open sourced this december!

There is also a tournament this time. The game is LibreQuake and we’ll have a Free For All tournament where the winner get to pick a FOSS game-related project that we will donate €25 (EUR) from Elouin and zł‎100 (PLN) from Szkodnix to! So get yourself ready and just show up on time to participate!

Of course, we have some seen before classics as well. The full game list is:

The schedule can be found on the schedule page and some of the event will be live streamed.

Hope to see you soon!


Next Event February 17th

16 Jan 2024

Our next event will be coming very soon on Saturday 17 February 2024, 12:00 UTC and the host this time is hribhrib.


Next Event September 23rd

27 Aug 2023

Our next event will be coming very soon on Saturday 23 September 2023, 12:00 UTC and the host this time is DeathByDenim.


onFOSS: The next generation!

11 Jun 2023

The “onFOSS-LAN” started as an idea by hribhrib to host a LAN-party-like experience online. Yes, the pun with LAN instead of WAN-party was intended but didn’t ripe well, however, what instead did ripe well was the whole event! Only one year after the first public onFOSS-LAN another host joined the team: DeathByDenim. Even more people got together to bring this experience to everyone that was interested in FOSS-Gaming, and group-effort hosting started to sprout, mostly by people of the LibreGaming community. After 15 successfully hosted events it is time for some changes.