UFO: Alien Invasion

Squad-based turn-based tactical strategy game in the tradition of the old X-COM PC games

Screenshot of UFO: Alien Invasion

Getting the game


The download page only has binaries for Linux and Windows. We compiled the macOS version ourselves. Download: ufoai-macos.tar.bz2

Then open the Terminal and type the following:

tar xf ufoai-macos.tar.bz2
cd dist

To get rid of the graphical glitches disable "GLSL Shaders" under Options → Video → Advanced → OpenGL Setting



Click on Multiplayer. You'll need to create a team before you can do anything, so click on Team and then Generate New Team and choose the type you want.

Generating a new team

Click no the done button at the very bottom right if you are happy with it. You'll return to the multiplayer menu

Click on Join and type play.onfoss.org in the field for Connect to IP and click Connect.

Joining the UFO:AI server

You'll see a summary of the server. Click on Connect to connect.